Some time ago I was told about this very clever idea... it was from a couple who love to travel. The premise is that traveling with others, no matter how close, how loving or how strong the relationship... travel can bring it all undone. Agreeing on modes of transport, where to stay, what to see, when to stop, where (and more importantly when) to eat, can make or break a holiday experience. But it’s not really about travel, it also applies in our every day lives. Have you ever told someone where you will meet them. I have. Strangely enough, the words, “I’ll meet you at Woollies” was translated in the brain of my male friend as ‘I’ll meet you down the road at the car’. So, what does CCPR mean? Communicate, Check, Polite, and Respect – I would say that the word Check is the key. Trust me when I tell you it is a game changer in all communications. So go forth, apply the principles of CCPR and enjoy your travel, your dining experiences and even your shopping at Woollies!