I had to ask the question...

I had to ask the question...can artificial intelligence detect human (soft) skills in a CV.  A great #AICD presentation by @Mitra Azizard, Corporate Vice President of AI and Innovation @Microsoft on The Future from an Alternative Perspective.  The reason for my question was when recruiting for board or other roles, we require the CV to be uploaded to an online portal where an algorithm will determine who makes the cut (have you ever seen what comes out the other end???) But can listening, empathy, collaboration, communication, social skills really be detected? I know Ai is phenomenally effective in many areas and while I am told we can embed the keywords that may enable machine learning to become familiar with and detect those terms, we clearly aren’t there yet. So I wonder how can candidates who have those skills navigate the technology to secure the two-thirds of all future jobs (I referred to in my post last week) that will be human skill-intensive without the benefit of human interaction.