Imagine it’s you. As with many of you in this current situation, I have been shopping more frequently at the local supermarket searching for the essentials. During these visits I have made a point of watching closely as the energy is slowly sapped from the service staff each day as they are constantly asked questions like ‘when will the yeast be delivered?’ or ‘where are the gloves/toilet paper/hand sanitisers?’ etc etc. These people have the courage to show up day in day out to answer this barrage of questions and provide service with as much of a smile as they can muster while being exposed to hundreds if not thousands of people each week who may or may not be practising social distancing or wearing masks and gloves. You will have also noticed that there are now posters advising the shoppers that abuse of staff will not be tolerated... seriously – has it really come to that? So I am wondering what if, in a Freaky Friday/Sliding Doors scenario, lives were swapped with that staff member...and now imagine it’s you.