Elton John was right... Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Although it is often used out of context which seems to devalue its meaning. Sorry is an apology – it’s meant to be sincere, authentic and an expression that communicates to the receiver that the apology is genuine. Too often I hear sorry used instead of excuse me when asking to pass someone, or even more noticeable is in a meeting when someone puts their hand up and says ‘sorry I have a question’. That is not the best way to gain confidence in what you are about to say, as what people hear is ‘I apologise for’ having a question. In my professional development workshop PowerUp Your Influence, I have two whiteboards... one with the heading - Always and the other with the heading - Never. Overusing ‘sorry’ fits in the Never category. There is absolutely a time and a place for saying sorry...however as we have many other more appropriate words from which to choose for the right occasion, it may lead to the word sorry regaining its importance as a genuine apology.
#trustedbyprofessionals #confidence #genuineapology #meetingetiquette #EltonJohn