Be the reason someone smiles today. One of the most challenging outcomes of the COVID-19 this year has been the sapping of energy. Its many causes include restrictions on such things as visiting friends, attending events both social and for business development, having face to face conversations, or chance meetings in the street. The result is the tendency toward a ‘why bother’ mindset. Why bother getting dressed when no-one will see us at our home office unless for those moments when we are zooming. Why bother calling a friend or colleague when you don’t have any news to share. Why bother applying for roles only to suffer the agony of no response to your application. We can easily underestimate the impact this year has had on our sense of wellbeing. However there is something we can do. Now that restrictions are easing, we have more choices about how we spend our days and I highly recommend reaching out to a friend, stopping by for a cup of tea, going for a walk...not only is it free exercise but it’s such a kindness and it may inspire and motivate them. Do call a colleague and have a coffee catchup. By doing that you can lift their spirits and be the reason someone smiles today. #wellbeing #kindnessmatters #mentalhealth #trustedbyprofessionals